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Training Services

Our technology training focuses on bringing the latest technology to your team. We specialize at full-stack web development, digital marketing, data analytics, artificial intelligence, Dev Ops, cloud technology, and Agile methodology adoption.

From our experience working in the field as well as in the training ground, we have formed a base syllabus of the AWS Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence Program.

However, let us know your challenge and what do you want your team to achieve. We tailor-make learning plans, materials, and agenda for you.

AWS Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence Program

1: Fundamentals of Frontend Development – 1 day

· Introduction & overview, latest JavaScript

· Overview of agile methodologies, tools, and best practice

· TypeScript, the next of JavaScript

· Frontend Development – the face of your business: ReactJS advance: hooks

2: Fundamental of Backend Development – 1 day

· Decomposite NodeJS

· NodeJS + TypeScript

· ExpressJS deep dive

· HTTP security fundamental

· Hardening your application

· From backend to microservice – architecture & interconnectivity

3: Fundamentals of Database - SQL V.s. NoSQL, MySQL, MongoDB – 1 day

· DB solutions at a glance – postgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle SQL, MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra

· Putting Database in codebase & introduction to ORM

4: Fundamentals of Cloud computing - Cloud development on AWS – 1 day

· Introduction & history to Cloud computing and AWS

· AWS EC2, S3, serverless function, elastic beanstalk and other applicable features

· Migrating your application to cloud

5. AWS databases planning and designing – 1 day

· Planning and Designing databases on AWS

· Database performance improvement – horizontal improvement

· Database performance improvement – vertical improvement

· Hosting databases on Amazon EC2 (Amazon Elastic compute cloud)

· Databases management and maintenances on Cloud

6: AWS service and resources management – 2 days

· Service continuity on AWS

· Managing your resources on AWS

· Budget control on AWS

7. Build and maintain Kubernetes cluster on AWS – 2 days

· Introduction to container

· Dockerize your application

· Managing multiple dockers on a single instance

· Kubernetes on a glance

· Using AWS to build and maintain your Kubernetes cluster

8: Automate coding – build CI/CD pipeline on AWS – 2 days

· Define and design your own pipeline

· Automate the code testing with Github actions

· Automate the build process with Ansible

· Automate the deployment process with Jenkins

· Using AWS pipeline to manage everything about automation

9: Managing and collaborating in the remote workplace era – 1 day

· Remote workplace v.s. office workplace

· Realign on corporate culture

· Building a safe and ergonomic home office

· Managing distant team collaborations

· How to keep employees engaged and up to date with tools

10: AI introduction and preparation - the planning phase – 1 day

· Why do you need an AI

· AI’s power and constraints

· Define success criteria

· How to collect data to train AI

· How to make business decisions based on AI findings

11: Empower an AI with AWS, GCP and Azure – the research phase – 1 day

· Pick the right AI for the right job

· How to build a POC in 5 days

· Expectation management across the company to buy in

· Empower your AI with AWS, GCP and Azure

12: Build an Artificial Intelligence at your disposal – the development phase – 2 days

· Python introduction

· Python AI packages at a glance

· Best practice to turn POC into production-grade codes

· Implementing a CV application

· Implementing a NLP application

13: Improve Artificial Intelligence – the maintenance phase – 2 days

· Collecting customer live data in your application

· Digitalize offline customer engagement

· Complete the cycle - best practice to train and improve your model

· Data visualization with Tableau

· Case study – travel industry uses AI to improve customer engagement

· Case study – Finance industry uses AI to automate regulatory and compliance

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